Every day we are faced with more and more requests regarding fakes of original products.
Legislation of the Russian Federation provides with administrative, civil and criminal liability for trade of counterfeit goods. Let's try to figure out exactly how offenders act, and how to deal with it.
Marketplaces, including well-known platforms such as Wildberries, Ozon, Lamoda, very often encounter counterfeit and unmarked goods. Marketplaces do not sell their own products, they act as an intermediary between the seller and the buyer. Therefore, when counterfeit products are detected, the seller will be primarily responsible, and only then - the online platform, task of which is to monitor offers of selling fakes and block them.
According to experts, the most common types of violations are: branding on a product card without the permission of the right holder (for example, describing the characteristics of the product), publishing a copyright object without the permission of the right holder (for example, posting a photo where a specific item is depicted with a distinctive logo), posting a photo of branded goods.
The share of low-quality products is still present, but it is decreasing due to a well-coordinated information system and artificial intelligence (AI).
The new system is able to detect counterfeits in several stages. First, the AI determines the product category, then the model, and then - the place of sale. Due to AI, cheap and expensive models are determined, moreover, whether the goods are used or not. The next step is interaction with the site owner, support service, etc. This process does not involve manual labor. Despite all the advantages and improvements, AI, unfortunately, is based solely on certain standardized indicators that do not take into account, for example, unpredictable and adverse events. Therefore, it is important not to hope only for the help of AI in detecting counterfeit products.
Only an online specialist can work most efficiently with counterfeit products on the Internet, manually or with the help of special programs adapted for searching.
We would like to introduce our readers to one of the key areas in our company and give an idea of such a leading profession as a digital specialist. Our specialists are professionals working in the field of digital technologies, who daily monitor and collect the information online using professional software, which also includes the use of various AI elements, prevent the detected violations and the sale of counterfeit goods, conduct digital investigations and much more. We adhere to new methods and use the latest programs to detect fake goods.
To summarize, the fight against fakes is actively conducted in our country, no matter whether you make a purchase online or come to the store in person. We advise you to purchase goods only on trusted sites and online platforms. If any site seemed doubtful to you, we will be glad to help and advise on this issue.