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The Head of Rospatent (Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property), Yury Zubov, has reported on the patent activity of Russian citizens during half of the year 2024. According to the latest data, Russians most often patent inventions in the field of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, as well as transport, network technologies and medical equipment. It is important to note that domestic manufacturers are increasingly active in developing and patenting new medicines.

According to Yuri Zubov, such a surge in the sphere of intellectual property is explained by the urgent need to replace the products of companies that have left the Russian market. The current year is quite impactful since the patent activity in Russia has grown by 2.5-3% comparing to 2023. As for utility models (previously unknown device or an improvement of an existing one), Russian citizens increased the number of applications by 30% comparing to the previous year.

The head of Rospatent also underlines the fact that the Russian patent is still valid on the international market: "It protects the invention and provides a 20-year monopoly on the use of it. When it comes to pharmaceuticals – a 25-year monopoly”.

Given such a rapid development in the field of pharmaceuticals and medical technologies, TKM International Consulting encourages domestic and foreign inventors, manufacturers and copyright holders to always protect their intellectual property! TKM takes care of our clients to prevent the theft of your developments and provides comprehensive support for your inventions.


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