- Interaction with law enforcement and customs authorities, Rospotrebnadzor and other government agencies on the identification and suppression of counterfeit products marked with Trademarks of Brands protected by TKM LLC
- Representing the interests of the largest Brands on the basis of power of attorney in law enforcement agencies on the protection of their Trademarks
- Preparation, at the request of law enforcement agencies, of a package of documents necessary to bring trademark violators to the liability provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation
- Carrying out verification measures aimed at establishing the facts of production, storage and sale of products with signs of counterfeiting (in shops, markets, warehouses, etc.) with photo, video fixation of counterfeit products
- Participation, at the request of the Brand, in verification activities, seizures of counterfeit goods conducted by law enforcement agencies in case of detection of counterfeit points of sale
- Ensuring the transfer of initiated administrative and criminal cases to the court, representing the interests of Brands in the courts
- Negotiating with "violators", resolving the conflict in a pre-trial manner, collecting damages in favor of the Trademark Owner, participating in the destruction of counterfeit products
- Maintaining internal document management for dealing with counterfeit goods, including in the Company's Database