Russia, 35/5 Goncharnaya str., c. 1, Moscow, 115172
Branch in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan, 050051, Almaty, Dostyk Avenue, 134, Pioneer-2 Business Center, 8th floor, office 814
+7 (495) 540 44 57
If you want to inform us about detected counterfeits, please fill out the contact form below and attach photos. The form may be completed anonymously. Alternatively, you can call +7 (495) 540 44 57.
This is important since distribution of counterfeit products negatively affects the reputation of right holders and may harm consumers’ health.
Fight counterfeits
Our company is interested in cooperating with enterprises that protect brands in countries where we do not operate. These companies may need help in fighting against counterfeiting in the countries that do fall within our area of competence, and we are glad to assist them.
The management of TKM is ready to take part in events as speakers and give interviews to the media on the following topics: fighting against counterfeiting, protection of intellectual property rights, and strategy consulting for foreign companies that operate in the Russian market.
TKM is a socially responsible company. A part of the income is allocated to support non-profit organizations. Send us requests for charity. (We hold the right to refuse).
To contact us regarding cooperation, please fill out the contact form.
We will consider the application and respond to you.