
Unfortunately, counterfeits can be sold on the same shelves as the original product, and when ordering on marketplaces, social networks and websites, the buyer has no opportunity to check the product in person before buying, so it is often difficult to avoid buying a counterfeit.

TKM conducts various types of product research:

  • Establishing the identity of designations or their similarity to the degree of confusion
  • Comparison with the original product, fixation of signs of counterfeiting
  • Analysis of product composition, laboratory examination
  • Determination of the method of manufacturing of counterfeit goods
  • Assessment of the damage caused
  • Presentation of expert opinion
Sometimes a fake looks and costs almost identical to the original, and only a professional can determine the true nature of the product.

Need to distinguish a fake from the original?
Our specialists will conduct an expert examination of any product in the shortest possible time with the provision of an expert opinion on the authenticity or non-originality of the goods.
Falsified food products, beverages, cosmetics, medicines and dietary supplements pose a threat to health.

Using modern equipment, our specialists will conduct an expert examination of the composition of products, identify falsified and improper quality goods.
Often infringers register confusingly similar trademarks to mislead consumers by associating their goods with a popular brand whose success they are trying to replicate.

TKM specialists regularly monitor applications to Rospatent for registration of confusingly similar trademarks in order to notify right holders in a timely manner.

If competitors are trying to take advantage of your brand recognition, TKM experts will determine whether there is confusing similarity and recommend options for solving the problem.
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Determination of difference between the presented goods and original products
Physical and chemical examination
Establishment of identity / confusing similarity