Anti - counterfeiting online
TKM's Digital Department will protect your brand's honor and block ads selling counterfeit goods.
  1. TKM requests original goods characteristics
  2. Developed by TKM online-monitoring-algorithm continuously scans through suspicious publications and illegal trademark use
  3. TKM analysts check the list provided by machine search and block ads that violate your intellectual rights
Wish to know whether dishonest sellers are copying your goods? TKM will monitor online platforms and provide a report on the scope of the problem and the approximate amount of damages.
Discovered a website selling counterfeits of your brand? TKM will block the website and identify the seller to hold them accountable.
Notice infringers profiting off of your brand by using your trademark in a website domain name? TKM will suspend the website and get the domain seized from the offender.
Do mirror websites confuse customers and cause your company losses? TKM will return the branded domains to the rightsholder so that you can dispose of them.
The owner of a website refused to remove ads offering counterfeit goods with your brand on them? TKM will contact the regulatory authorities and get the website blocked.
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Monitoring marketplaces, websites, social networks and messengers for counterfeit
Blocking websites and offenders profiles
Seizing and blocking domain names
Returning domain names
Filing complaints with Roskomnazdor, Rospotrebnadzor, Roszdravnadzor