Damage compensation

How do I know if my intellectual property rights are being infringed?

  • your trademark is being used without your consent
  • a trademark very similar to yours has appeared on the market (label, packaging, confusingly similar designation)
  • your technology, invention or other types of intellectual property are copied
  • your works are used without your consent (copyright and related rights).
  • In each case, the right holder has the right to demand monetary compensation from the infringer

Read more about the importance of protecting your designs, ideas and works in the Patents section of our website and in TKM articles.

An obligatory stage before filing a lawsuit and starting court proceedings is sending a claim. This procedure will help the right holder to negotiate an amicable agreement with the infringer.
If no response to the claim is received within 30 days, you can appeal to the court.
The filing of a claim may facilitate an agreement with the infringer on a pre-trial settlement of the dispute.

The right holder has the right to obtain
  • a ban on the use of his trademark and payment of compensation
  • conclusion of a license agreement so that the former infringer pays you for the use of the trademark
Are you losing profits due to the distribution of counterfeit goods under your brand? Is an unscrupulous competitor impersonating you, deceiving your customers?

You can stop the infringer and bring him to justice with the help of TKM lawyers
  • determine an effective way to protect your intellectual rights
  • prepare and file a lawsuit
TKM lawyers will represent your interests in court to

  • prohibit the unauthorized use of your trademark
  • removal of your trademark from advertising materials, websites, social networks and domain names
  • control of reimbursement or compensation for damages
  • appeal against actions and omissions of state authorities
Has your trademark been used without authorization? Patented technology is being tampered with? Are you facing plagiarism and piracy?

Bringing the case to the recovery of damages is the task of experienced lawyers, which our specialists have been working with on a daily basis for many years.

We will help the right holder:
  • identify the full range of violations of your intellectual rights
  • obtain compensation up to 5 million rubles, depending on the duration and severity of the infringement, at the discretion of the court
  • Compensate for damages determined by the amount of counterfeit goods
TKM lawyers closely monitor the receipt of monetary reimbursements to your account.

We will ensure effective communication with the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP).
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Financial compensation in favor of
the rights holder
Control over the financial refund process
Control over the financial refund process