Copyright protection
Copyright protects works of science, literature and art pieces. The copyright holder disposes of their works, whether it be a song, Instagram reel, science article, advertising poster, theatrical piece, or software.

TKM will help you with:
  • obtaining financial compensation
  • entering into a license agreement, granting others permission to use your work for a fee
  • stop illegal use of your work
  • prosecution of the copyright infringers
TKM will make the infringer remove the copying content or plagiarized work of any kind of content such as to trademark, photos, video, audio pieces and will launch the process of damage compensation.

Digital security research shows that online piracy can threaten even secure broadcasters and media content rights holders.
TKM will initiate trials to protect your copyrights in the case of:

  • plagiarism
  • illegal copying, reproduction or distribution of your work
  • breach of license agreement
When determining the amount of compensation for copyright infringement online, the court takes into account the traffic and profitability of the offender's website, the time period of the ad being posted, and the systematic nature of the infringement.
Our Legal Department will opt for the most effective strategy to recover damages or financial compensation in favor of the copyright holder, which can equal up to 5 million rubles.