Customs intellectual property objects register

One of the widespread violations of exclusive rights to trademarks (TM) is the transfer of counterfeit products and their components manufactured in other countries (except for the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union) to the territory of the Russian Federation for their onward sale within the country.

Experts in the field of intellectual property protection are unanimous in the opinion that it is far more effective to stop distribution of an entire shipment of counterfeits when it is first imported into Russia rather than search for fakes later at retail sites, retail chains and wholesale warehouses. This preventive measure enables right holders to detect poorly protected regions and keep an ear to the ground, which is crucial for implementing a comprehensive intellectual property protection strategy.

To include a trademark in the TROIS it is necessary to submit an application to the FCS of Russia. The term of validity of a trademark in the TROIS of the FCS of Russia is not more than 3 years and cannot exceed the period of validity of the exclusive right to this trademark and the power of attorney of the representative.

TKM will provide you with detailed advice on the issues of inclusion in TROIS, assist in the preparation of documents and collection of necessary data.
To extend the registration in TROIS, it is necessary to submit documents at least 3 months before the expiration of the registration period. When including and renewing a trademark in TROIS, TKM specialists use an individual approach to each right holder and provide full legal support at all stages.

We prepare and submit an application to the Federal Customs Service of Russia, conduct all further communication. Our team will make every effort to reliably protect your brand in import issues.
A customs declaration is a document required when importing and exporting goods. With the help of the declaration, customs officials receive information that a specific commodity in a certain quantity at a specified value has crossed the border. This data is used to calculate customs duties. In the absence of a timely completed declaration, the goods will not pass customs control. The declarant will be fined for late submission of the declaration.
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Registration of the trademark
in the Customs Register (TROIS)
Renewal of trademark registration
in the Customs Register (TROIS)
Registration of customs declaration