Many rights holders neglect the procedure of trademark registration, expecting that no one will take the opportunity to steal an intellectual property object to rest on the laurels of someone else's success.
Unfortunately, the problem of stealing other people's trademarks is relevant not only for world-famous brands, but also for small and medium-sized business owners, sellers on marketplaces, content creators, bloggers, individualization tools are copied by fraudsters. In the worst case, infringers start the procedure of registration of a stolen trademark before the author takes care of it, as a result of which he has no rights to the product of his intellectual activity.
Often infringers register confusingly similar trademarks to mislead consumers by associating their product with a popular brand whose success they are trying to replicate.
To avoid theft of the means of identification of your product, service or project, it is necessary to ensure its legal protection by registering it with the Intellectual Property Office. In Russia, legal protection is provided by the Federal Intellectual Property Service Rospatent.